“I love the way that writing can feel like etching. Write something, see if it sits right on the page, see if it sounds right out loud, cross it out, rub it out, delete it and try another word instead. To write a sentence that flows in the way you want is like a totally resonant note, where the in-breath and the out-breath have that pendulous quality; the note is literally an extension of the body.
Posting openly online about my mental health has been the most freeing experience and a wonderful way to gain confidence in showing my words to others. I am grateful to have had my work published in Music Teacher Magazine, Opera Now and JESTA Magazine, showcasing my writing about my teaching practice, mental health advocacy and work on Things Musicians Don’t Talk About, and interviews with Carolyn Sampson and Robin North-Hale.
I am always interested in commissions of any kind, so do get in touch if you’d like me to write for you!”